Cold Water Immersion Videos
Mostly featuring Dr Grodon Giesbrecht
The following is a list of about 40 videos that address a wide range of aspects of exposure to cold water. Many of them were produced by Ted Rankine. They often cover the same subjects in different ways to reinforce key points and interconnect the different subjects. Some are long versions of some of shorter videos. For a quick overview, I recommend these six:
- 1-10-1 What really happens when you are immersed in cold water.
- Incapacitation: Treading water until you can't A compelling look at how miserable and relentlessly fatal being in cold water is.
- Getting that Sinking Feeling -Snowmobiling off an ice edge at 60+ mph. This video (and two others) are also available on Dr Giesbrechts home page-near the bottom.
- Thermal Protection Test clothing for cold water
- Rick and Dr Popsicle Excellent (and funny) insight on how to get out of your car if it breaks through the ice.
- Danger Thin Ice A good general ice safety video produced by the Minnisota DNR around 1990. It provides a timeless overview of basic ice safety.
The following list is divided the list into four sections:
Section 1) Videos from shows broadcasts by the Discovery Channel-Canada in 2002. These are also available in high resolution form on Dr Giesbrecht's home page (near the bottom). All of these are highly recommend.
- Cold Water Survival: Dr Giesbrecht skis into hole in the ice: An excellent view of how falling through is likely to play out if you do not have ice claws or a friend with a throw rope.
- Your Out, Now What?: Dr Giesbrecht is a passenger on a snowmobile that breaks through the ice. After getting back on the ice they spend a night in the woods in their wet clothes.
- Getting that Sinking Feeling: Dr Giesbrecht is a passenger on a snowmobile ride off an ice edge at 60 mph. This viscerally demonstrates how limited your ability to swim is in cold water and how beneficial having a flotation type snowmobile suit is.
Section 2) Cold Water Boot Camp
There are two sets of videos, one from (the original, Canadian version) and (the more recent US version) there are links to the these videos in non-YouTube file formats on each website. They are also available on two DVDs for $10 each: an excellent investment for a club or public presentation. The following are YouTube versions of these videos. Most of them were posted on YouTube by the Water Safety Congress over during the summer of 2011.
- 1-10-1 Shows the key elements of what happens in cold water. This is not something you want to learn for the first time 'in the field'.
- Cold Water Boot Camp USA: A 10 minute video about Cold Water Boot Camp. A good introduction to the rest of the videos.
- Cold Water Boot Camp-Canada : Similar to the USA version but with enough differences to be worth watching both.
- The First 60 Seconds Cold shock, importance of life jackets:
- Life Jackets : Why they matter so much in cold water.
- Surviving Cold Water: Reviews the HELP and huddle positions. Discusses cold water protection
- Incapacitation & Post Rescue Collapse : This is something we all should know more about. The video points out that a rescue is only started when you get the victim out of the water (the 3R's: Rescue, Recover, Re-warm)
- There are three more videos on the 1-10-1 page of
Section 3) Beyond Cold Water Boot Camp videos: again there are two versions, one in Celsius (Canadian) and one in Fahrenheit (US). The topics are more oriented toward rescue personnel however all of them are well worth watching and a few are especially applicable to ice travelers. Many of these videos can be found in the the original Canadian version as well (Beyond Cold Water Boot Camp).
- Survival In Cold Water Recommended for all ice users
- Thermoregulation - how your body regulates temperature. Recommended for all ice users with even the most modest technical bent.
- Heat Loss Mechanisms - Recommended for all ice users
- The four phases of cold water shock - Recommended for all ice users
- Thermal Protection Test - Compares a wide range of clothing - Highly recommended for all ice users
- Beach Wrap: How to wrap someone once they get to shore: Recommended for all ice users
- Stay or Swim: A sensible answer to this important question - Recommended for all ice users
- Rescue With a High Freeboard Boat
- Rescue With a Boat With a Dive Door
- Use of a Rescue Net
- General Principles of Transport - Recommended for all ice users
- Transport/Proper Lift Technique - Recommended for all ice users
- Transport/Stokes Litter
- Transport/Plastic Tarp - recommended for all ice users
- Triage Mild Hypothermia
- Triage Moderate Hypothermia
- Triage Severe Hypothermia
- Ambulance Transport - a look at modern transport and re-warming methods
- First Responder Interviews - Recommended for all ice users
- Beyond Boot Camp USA - Credits
Section 4) This section covers additional videos posted by and others.
- Extended 1-10-1
- Cold Water Rescue
- How cold is too cold
- Ryan Stock: Guinea Pig: Immersion, car egress, avalanche recovery Related subject,different guy. recommended for all ice users
- Rick and Dr Popsicle Car Egress: Seatbelts-Children-Window-Out Highly recommended for all ice users, or, for that matter, for all people who drive or ride in cars.
- Professor Popsicle on the Rick Mercer Report: Which Canadians are the toughest in the cold?
- Professor Popsicle: Is dealing with the cold just mind over matter?
- Professor Popsicle: Detecting frostbite and tips for prevention.
- Flooded Roadways Recommended for anyone who drives a car.
- How to Survive Falling Through Ice: ABC News 2016