Why We Love Ice

Posted in the 2011 Blog on February 21


In the Northeast we have had a snowy winter in 2011.  A few days ago all the ice in Vermont and northern New York was under snow, usually with a thick slush layer between the underlying ice and the dry snow on the surface.  Two warm days melted most of the dry snow into the slush and a couple days of cold, windy days froze the exposed slush.  We went from ice nowhere to ice everywhere.   

On Sunday February 20th, a group of us skated for 20 miles on southern Lake George.  Surrounded by mountains rising as much as 2,300 feet above the lake, a cloudless sky and light winds made for a perfect day.  This is one of many reasons we love lake ice.  Click here for a few pictures from the trip.

Vermont Nordic Skating is an informal group of skaters in Northern New England.  If you are interested in getting involved, get in touch with them.
