The following reviews where to find technical papers on lake ice.
The ICE HANDBOOK FOR ENGINEERS was written by Dr Lennart Fransson. It is concise, practical, wide ranging and relevant to recreation on lake ice.
Dr Fransson is a professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering and Construction Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. His page on the University website lists 61 papers on a wide range of subjects relating to ice (some of them are available as PDFs). The Swedish city of Luleå is on the northern end of the Baltic Sea, about 70 miles south of the arctic circle.
For a more detailed review on the subject, the book River Lake Ice Engineering (Edited by George D. Ashton) is available from Water Resources Publications, LLC.
Google Books currently has River Lake Ice Engineering on line
The most recent book on lake ice is Matti Leppäranta's Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of their Ice Cover. It was published in 2014. It covers of many aspects of ice and that is going with the water underneath it.
CRREL and ERDC are part of the Army Core of Engineers. They are in the process of putting many of their reports on line. Beyond that there are thousands of papers and other publications. The most comprehensive collection I have found is at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) library.
An easy way to get started is to search by author. The following are a few names to start with:
- Ashton, G. D.
- Bilello, M. A.
- Daley, S.F.
- Dumuth, M.N.
- Fransson, L.
- Gold, L.W.
- Gow, A. J.
- Michel, B.
- Prouse, T. D.
The search will give a list of papers of interest. Some of the papers can be found at university libraries. Most of them can be found at CRREL in Hanover NH (some papers are only at other Army Core of Engineers libraries). I have been getting papers by visiting CRREL. If you go, you need to set up the visit ahead of time. Many of the more recent papers are available on the web for a fee.
The bibliographies of the papers you read will lead you to many more.