I have been reviewing my pictures from the past few years and have have found a fair number of rings with different styles. This page will show different styles and speculate on factors lead to different styles
The best documented styles are Shelburne Pond 2002 (Richard Parades)
Below: Shelburne Pond 2002
Shelburne Pond in 2002 gave the best images we have. The features are easily seen down to the one inch scale. The contrast is good. Rick took 24 images showing different aspects of the features. The images are not obscured by snow to the degree that many of the other pictures..
Upper Left: several lake stars with beautiful dark, Up-flow distribution channels.
Middle left: black open water where the rings are comming appart. Shows the weakness of the ring boundaries.
Middle of the image: A star surrounded by the the light white slush domain that sorounds rings. The middle also has many rings and partial rings (arcs) The ring at the center has a star in its center. The rings also have faint water upflow channels that origionate with at the rings and radiate orthagonally to the rings. The upflow water oritionates at the rapture line of the rings.
On the upper right there appears to be a pond of snow-fall-ice over deep water. The shading is either shading of the sunlight and the edge of the pond or light wind pushing the snow fall slush down wind making it more lighter grey where the slush is thicker. The pond probably origionates as a new-ice hole. Notice that the pond has a slush domain edge of the pond. The pond is sending water out of the pond through fine radial channels.
Below is Norway Pond 2019. The image was shot with a drone by Steve Pope
Norway pond formed rings or arcs (partial rings) on most of the pond in a 18" storm. The heavy snow and wind obscured many of the features like lake stars. The resolution looks like it was a foot or two. On the light shadows and late day sun makes dark and light straight lines. Steve reported low sun angle make it easier to see the patterns.
In some of the drone pictures you can see stars (radial and linear) and dark feeder lines at a scale of a few pixels.
Dead Creek 2013
This was the first time I had seen large concentric rings. Click here This link covers the Dead Creek event and some more recent observations and ideas.
The Dead Creek stars had particularly large first lake stars at the center of some of the ring families (in particular in the image above.). The light colored outer edge of the the rings probably have a story to tell.
Lincoln Pond NY 2016
Lincoln Pond is one of several ponds that have enough altitude to get early ice in the Champlain Vally. It generally gets snowed on out in a week or two. There is usually enough snow to make snow ice.
The Lincoln style is a small number of rings. In the above case it looks like there were 2 or 3 rings. The rings are roughly 2 feet apart. The diameter of the ring structure is very roughly 50 ft.
This Lincoln Pond style shows amore typical ring style with an exposed center star and some bits of of a dark rings in the lower right quadrant of the picture. This suggests the lighter color rings are burried in snow ice.
This is a snow catch feature theat ocured at Lincoln Pond in 2016.It has what could be called one or two rings. The black hole in the center is an up-flow hole fed by show/slush fbeing heavy to get water to flow from gravity and capilary rise. It has many features of a lake star. The dark feeder channels might be hiding under snow ice.