The Satellite View

Image from Burlington NOAA website of Lake Champlain on December 28, 2010. At the time we were doing long distance skates on the southern end of the lake. Last year the Burlington NOAA office had the great idea of posting satellite images of the Lake Champlain Region from mid December through Mid April. The images give good insight into the growth and decay of ice on Lake Champlain, northern Lake George and many other lakes in the area. They also show what a snowy year we had last year. Click here for an annotated slide show of the season with comments based on what we observed on the ground.
The original images and an explanation of how the images are taken can be found at .
The following is their cautionary note about the images:
"Please note that ice may be clear or opaque in the pictures with a few apparently open water areas possibly having a thin, clear cover of ice. Thus, this page is intended as a reference source only, and those planning winter activities on the lake should make use of additional resources to determine more precise ice coverage and thickness in their area of interest."